Video works
YouTube released its top 100 video views earlier this year and the big winner – Charlie Bit my finger – again with over 611 million views....
Your clients are using social media - Are you?
We are shopping all the time. Personally and professionally. Large purchases or small. Immediate or long-term. Regardless of the type of...
Stats that may change your focus
We were recently doing research for a presentation and found some compelling stats that, we think, should change the way most of us do...
The "why" everyone should know
Why do you do what you do? What’s the underlying reason that you wake up with a smile or at least a smirk and don’t dread heading into...
Big Data-Everyone talks about it...but what is it?
Have you heard of Big Data? Probably some-yes, some-no, and some-I should say yes but really I’m a no. In an article in eMarketer Daily...
Conversational Marketing - It Works.
What is conversational marketing? Quite simply it's having a conversation with your customer. Seems like a "no-brainer" but to have a...
Welcome to our blog
Welcome to the Houndstooth Marketing blog. This is Greg Adzia, President of Houndstooth Marketing. We're excited to share with you the...